when you’re starting to do drugs, loan money from others, date minors etc.
dude you’ve been smokin so much coke!you’re on your haney arc!
by littlesnowcold45 February 6, 2022
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Setting a building on fire and burning


Getting your leg ripped off by a demon named Brian
Person A: I’m going to Pierce arc
Person B: Please don’t
by Theshakenneverland May 8, 2022
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Person A: I heard that guy is gay
Person B: YOU’RE GAY
Person A: I know
Person B: Are you on your Kaiden arc?
by Theshakenneverland May 8, 2022
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A period of time where several people admit their crushes for a person
I like James
I like James too
Man, James is going through a Henry arc right now
by NiceHyper May 28, 2023
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A woman with no frontal lobe who failed as a mother and stabbed a nine year old
Person A: do you have a frontal lobe?
Person B: idk
Person A: omg! Isabella arc!
by Theshakenneverland May 14, 2022
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Referencing the TV show Shameless: having bad luck, feeling down or hitting rock bottom after a streak of good luck or prosperity.
I can't make this months rent, I'm entering my Gallagher Arc
by Lanxy June 30, 2023
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When Fat Nickster is in the fat period of his life (his whole life).
Nickster so fat he in his Nickster Fat Arc rn.
by Julian Lee November 17, 2021
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