1. Coming through loud and clear, roger that.

Often used by ignorant lumberjacks suffering various degrees of hearing loss from using chainsaws on old growth timber.

2. There's no need to shout, old bean.

Often used by Oxford Dons or wearers of jacket sweaters with leather elbow patches (ironically) to gently inform the speaker their volume of speech is uncouthly excessive.
I'd like to glennbeck Glenn Beck.
I herd dat wit my bad ear!

I herd dat wit my bad ear - and that bitch is old.
by geroldf October 23, 2009
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Phrase. Can only be used in the instance were someone on a social networking site has a Mudkip as their profile picture.
Person 1: I herd you liek Mudkipz.
Person 2: No, "I herd you liek your profile picture" should be used in this instance you noob.
by Mcxtreme November 15, 2010
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A Turkish proverb. Used when someone is acting know-it-all against someone else that actually knows it all.

'Ben senin güttüğün koyun kadar çoban siktim'
The know-it-all: I have recently read a few articles about X online, so I think I am kind of an expert on the subject now!

The expert: You know I have a PhD in X, right? I fucked as many shepherds as the sheep you herded!
by teori April 3, 2022
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The USA Herd Immunity Sovereign Wealth Fund & Social Dividend -
the American investment fund that is underwritten during times without outbreaks and then when there is an epidemic the profits from the investment fund are distributed to the individuals getting tested, the individuals getting treatment for the infectious disease, and other epidemic related expenses during such epidemic.
#epidemic #socialdividend #herdimmunity #covid19 #covid19ideas See: The USA Herd Immunity Sovereign Wealth Fund & Social Dividend
The God for the "The USA Herd Immunity Sovereign Wealth Fund & Social Dividend" for underwriting my treatment of the Covid19 virus. I hadn't a dollar in my bank account.
by MurdochMaxwell March 12, 2020
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A large group of nerds or pokemon fans playing pokemon go. A ready made raid party.
We were rolling 9 deep in a nerd herd filling raid parties for lone nerds like make a wish.
by Montani76 September 8, 2017
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A pastoralist model of sleep, whereby we catch chunks of free-range sleep as it wanders by, rather than the agricultural model we are used to, farming huge 8-hour tracts of open nighttime.
I only got 2 hours of sleep last night, but that's ok; i'm practicing Sleep Herding. I'll grabs a few naps later today, then maybe 4 hours tomorrow.
by kysstery March 15, 2015
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