The phrase used by someone that thinks there are more than one internet
Hey Ryan, why don't we go get on an internet and buy some Cub tickets?
by Frank Gifford January 11, 2009
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the reason you're either doing great in or failing school.
1) taking answers from the internet
2) procrastinating and not even attempting homework.
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A place where stealing is not considered wrong (kazaa, emulations, etc.) and where there is more Pornography then at Ron Jeremy's studios.
Hmmm...where can I get pornography and/or free programs/music which I would have to pay fortunes for otherwise? Oh, I know! The internet!
by DBNP May 27, 2003
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"The Internet is a place where absolutely nothing happens."
Strong Bad.
Person 1: What's the matter, you look angsty.
Person 1: So, nothing as usual.
by DonZabu September 3, 2007
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The internet is the network of computers which enables vast amounts of porn to be veiwed every day.
Other, comparitively minor uses:
- The spreading of ideas, conspiracy theories etc by any random lunatic.
- Menial conversations over IM/forums etc.
- Telling people who don't care about you about yourself.
- Stealing/manipulating money.
- Spreading viruses.
- Dating.
- Shopping.
- Research.
- Organising stuff.
- Luring people (often children, sadly) to rapists and pervets.
- Promoting publications/sites/bands etc.
- Attempting to overthrow the government.
- Making/veiwing huge archives of "funny" pictures, jokes etc.
- RPG games.
- Setting up random websites for the terminally bored such as UD.
1) So I was on this lunatic fringe site the other day... did you know that the inventor of the biro has made himself immortal, is planning on taking over the world and brainwashing us all with his biro-rays? He said he'd spare me if I sent him £500 and my last born child, so I'll be okay...
2) Dude, you *really* shouldn't believe all you read on the internet...
by Wiggy_liastd July 6, 2006
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The world of Porn banners and other useless stuff
by XiTER May 26, 2003
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