Being so bad at sucking dick they dont even deserve a name.
Dude 1 "So howd it go with Brittany last night?"
Dude 2 "Who? Oh! Man she blows like a tropical depression."
Dude 1 "Damn, so shes just sexual conquest Number 34?"
Dude 2 "Yup."
by Merten December 5, 2010
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A sadness that occurs when you sold Dogecoin way too early and missed out on millions of dollars in the stock market
I bought Dogecoin at $.0017 a share and sold it for $900 instead of $3 million. Im suffering from Doge depression now.
by May 10, 2021
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that feeling when you play an amazing game that leaves you depressed for months and no other game can make you feel the same way and it affects your mental health and personal life until you can find another game
friend 1: hey dude, have you ever played the walking dead?

friend 2: oh yeah that game made me fall into a video game depression
by epicgamer#06 December 20, 2019
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Childhood Depression

Childhood depression is when a child eventually starts not feeling joy and instead just being empty, hollow and depressed.

This usually effects kids when they start being overworked, stressed, and burned out, which leads to sadness, tiredness, and depression.

This probably spiked in 2020, when kids started becoming more distanced over time due to not socializing, and eventually childhood depression started for an unknown number of kids.
Mandy: Why is Sam so sad?

Amanda: I heard he had childhood depression, i hope he recovers.
by January 27, 2023
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The feeling of emptiness and mourning following the end of something one enjoyed and invested themselves in such as a vacation, TV show, visit, etc.
"Gossip girl just ended and I have commencement depression... I miss Chuck Bass!"
by tasiadoll March 21, 2017
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A depression jack is when you take a zoloft on an empty stomach, wait around 25 minutes, and start jacking off. You win if you finish before you go limp-dick.
I tried a depression jack for the first time yesterday, but I waited too long, and my dick turned into a noodle
by DanTheWan August 12, 2023
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when you are stuck at home for the last 3-4 months , at first you think its great but after a month in you feel incredibly bored , lonely , tired and unmotivated to leave your bed because theirs no point to wakening up if your just going too wake up and feed the same daily cycle
you good bro , no im suffering from Quarantine depression
by tired weeb August 8, 2020
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