A major pucker factor is a critical problem that that everybody's ass so tight you couldn't slip in a sheet of paper sideways.
Mark Foley's escapes created a major pucker factor amongst Republicans.

by Mora Hastits December 18, 2006
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The act of putting a cherry in your asshole, then having your partner attempt to pull the cherry out by the stem with their teeth without plucking the stem off the cherry.
by cherrybomb686 March 6, 2019
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When your asshole puckers the morning after a hard night of beer drinking and or after Pizza eating. Usually followed by intense diarrhea and or "beer shits", bloating, a rotting dead road kill in the sun for 4 days smell, and discomfort.
"Pizza and or Beer Pucker syndrome"

Guy 1 "Dude I drank a 12 pack and eat 2 twelve inch pizzas last night. I gotta shit so bad my asshole is puckered up like shes ready for a kiss.:

Guy 2 "sounds like you got a bad case of the Beer Pucker syndrome"

Guy 1 " OH, Not anymore it breached the lips"

enters guy 3

Guy 3 " Fuck, why does it smell like the time my cat got hit by that car and baked in the sun for a few days?"

Guy 2" John couldn't hold his irritable beer pucker syndrome and ruined a new pair of pants!"

Wife 1 "Don't let him change in the house, go outside! "
by DaveNeedtheprotector! May 14, 2013
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To be excited, or nervous about something.
1) That new girl makes your asshole pucker, doesn't she?

2) Damnit, the exit exam is really making my asshole pucker!

3) The Patriots being in the Super Bowl finals can make one's asshole pucker, but it certainly doesn't pucker mine!
by Weeger January 21, 2008
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