A nicer way of calling someone retarded.
"YO! That dude is time delayed. He can't figure this shit out."
by A8208266 August 10, 2021
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A nicer way of calling someone retarded.
"YO! That dude is so time delayed. He can't figure any of this shit out!"
by A8208266 August 10, 2021
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making someone wait to cum. putting off an orgasm so it's more intense. similar to edging.
We tried orgasm delay, and it was so fucking intense, man!
by prettyprincessthecumslut July 3, 2023
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The act of either not having fast reactions in general, or delaying your reactions on purpose. May be shortened to DRS. Another word for this is "being a lazy piece of shit". DRS is normally present in people who couldn't give two shits about the world around them, even their friends.
1: Dude, why did you let the ball go into the goal?
2: What do you mean?
3: Dude, I think you have Delayed Reaction Syndrome
2: I'm not that lazy
1: Then why didn't you save it?
2: I don't know man
1: I think you're just a lazy piece of shit
3: For real
by spriggan. September 15, 2023
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Refers to any pause or temporary postponement of a minor action (speaking, standing up or shifting your position while seated or in bed, switching on/off a light or music device, performing a "noisy" task like moving furniture or operating a motorized household device, etc.) that a thoughtful considerate individual performs (often with a moderate taxing of his own patience/bodily comfort) so as to avoid/minimize the startling/distressing impact of said action on one or more other nearby humans, such as a slumbering partner who is super-exhausted and/or is in a lot of pain or other acute bodily discomfort that he feels whenever he's awake, and thus the only time he has relief is when he's actually asleep.
Cool dude #1: Geez, buddy --- why da awkward limp and droopy shoulders?!?!???
Cool dude #2: (groaning in pain as he hobbles over to sit beside his friend to watch the ball game with him): Oh, just da classic "courtesy delay" woes, pal... I was sitting cross-legged on the grass with my girlfriend, and she had fallen asleep with her head in my lap... I knew she'd been up since 3 a.m. to help her mom care for her colicky baby brother, and so naturally, Mr. Soft-Hearted here couldn't bear to wake her up by changing position, and so I just hadda sit motionless on the cold hard ground with my muscles going numb and cramping up for half an hour till she finally came awake to turn over herself.
by QuacksO August 23, 2017
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When someone is late because they (or someone they're traveling with) takes an excessively long poop, therefore causing a delay in the plans.
Sorry we're late to the poetry reading, we were set back about 20 minutes due to my husband's poop delay.
by The mad shatter July 9, 2019
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The delay that comes from being way too high. The reason you laugh after everyone else has gotten a joke, fail to grab a railing in time, raise your hands after you've been punched and redirect your aim only after you've peed on the floor.
(end of joke)...to get to the other side!

(crowd laughs)
(you look blankly at the teller)
(you laugh, everyone else has stopped)
"Noooooo waaaaaay....the OTHER SIDE....HAHAHAHAHAH!"
Hence, The Marajuana Ten Second Brain Delay
by The Real IX April 20, 2010
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