The Bitch in charge, CFO. You trust her with the company but you own the company. Do you know what I am saying?
by BoneinRibeye June 12, 2023
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The top woman & highest earner. Given the most trust and respect. She is looked at as the authority who has been given control to oversee the newer recruits. She has to prepare, train and provide for & encourage the other women as well as keeping them safe and in check.
Talk to Ashley if you have any questions or problems with this dude. You can trust her & bank talk to her she's my bottom bitch .
by Ashley Bree July 3, 2022
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Guilty pleasure pussy. Usually an ex who has a good pussy and you keep coming back even when you have a girl.
by JokDok April 3, 2022
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A guilty pleasure pussy. A pussy that’s real good you can’t stop going back. Usually an ex’s pussy
She got that rock bottom pussy. I gotta go back for more.
by JokDok April 3, 2022
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Mostly used to in reference to the style &/or fit of the crotch area of womens jean pants. If looking at a pair of pants from their front side it's visabky noticeable that the lowest part of the seam between the legs hangs farrrr below the waist line.
Him-- What do you think of these jeans?

Me-- lmfao fuck no; I would never wear those long bottom crotch motherfuckers.
by Ivanna play October 19, 2023
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