1. Simple Slang term. Replaces the word "was"
Past tense.

2. Simple slang term. Replaces the word "what" and/or "what is/what's"
Present tense.

(2) Waz up my nigga?
by MTL November 23, 2005
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The alternative spelling of the word 'was' usually associated with and implemented in online chatting, texting, posting, blogging, etc...

(also see wazup, wasup)
No.1 :: Waz that you I saw at the party last night?
No.2 :: No way! I wasn't there cause my lady didn't want me to go.
by CDLady May 7, 2008
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not the be confused with "wiz"
Waz is anything you want it to be. It could be a body part, and insult or an action/event.

Acceptable endings: z, ing, tard, tart, ed, or anything else you can add to it.
waz (n or v)
Body Part: I shut my waz (n) in the door!

Insult: you really are a waztart (n)

Action: I put a video of me wazzing (v) on youtube.

My mom found me wazzing(v) last night and sent the pic to my whole family
by Roses-Waz August 23, 2009
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to ejaculate. Wazzin' Off = masturbating
"i totally wazzed all over her face!"
"I was wazzin' off, and my guidance counselor walked in!"
by large dicks November 21, 2009
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a word used to signify something is good instead of cool, safe or sound
sorry about that Debbie, don’t worry Carl it’s waz
by charlotte yellow daisy March 18, 2018
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Dude, pack some more waz in the moker.
by verbalvomit2003 July 10, 2003
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