First coined in the movie "Hot Shots!", walleye vision is a condition wherein the afflicted person's eyesight becomes skewed to the perspective of a walleye fish. The condition can only be corrected with a multioptipupiloptomy.
Jim 'Wash Out' Pfaffenbach: I just got kicked out of the unit. My flight status has been withdrawn. I'm through, Dead Meat!

Pete 'Dead Meat' Thompson: What happened?

Jim 'Wash Out' Pfaffenbach: It's my eyes. I've got walleye vision.

Pete 'Dead Meat' Thompson: Isn't there something that can be done?

Jim 'Wash Out' Pfaffenbach: Well, there's a delicate corneal inversion procedure... a multioptipupiloptomy. But, in order to keep from damaging the eye sockets, they've got to go in through the rectum. Ain't no man going to take that route with me!
by Kate Sjostrand February 21, 2008
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1. A nefarious troupe of troubadours, whose mere presence causes people to go 'walleye'.

2. For comparison when no comparison is really possible, let's say your Uncle Lester thought he was the world's greatest lady's man. If Uncle Lester were to meet the Walleye Crue, he would be shamed so badly in the general conditions of manhood that he likely would methodically sit down his coffee, take off his 3-day old shatty diaper, put it on his head (straps forward) and enthusiastically dive into the deep part of a lake with a concrete block tied to his pinky toe.
That Walleye Crue just jacked my hizzy and gave my wife a dirty sanchez and I like it!
by Mother Love Bone March 14, 2008
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An organized force that is raised from a civil population in order to protect our lake and river systems for future generations.
I still can’t believe Johnny, the founder of the walleye militia, can’t fish for shit.
by TheWalleyeGuy February 18, 2020
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Girl who's nipples are pointed outward, not strait forward, similar to the eyes on a walleye (fish).
Brandon: hey man. that trim I had last night had walleye tits!

Sam: eww sick dude!

Brandon: ya but she's a great lay. I did her doggie cuz I wasen't sure which one to look at when I was on top!
by Socata August 22, 2007
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Walleye weekend is one of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin's Biggest Attractions. Well, basically Fond du Lac's only major attraction. It takes place at the ever-so-famous Lakeside Park on the northern most side of Fond du Lac during the first weekend in June. This event brings out all the die-hard fishermen and heaviest drinkers. This is mainly because the whole event is based around fishing and well, drinking.

There is a huge fishing tournament in which fishermen are sent out onto Lake Winnebago to find the largest walleye they can(or multiples). Then at the end of the day come in and 'weigh in' to see who had the most weight in fish. This is the biggest event at Walleye Weekend and where the most people converge to get even more wasted and see who won the event. Usually there are large cash or other prizes involved all sponsered by Fond du Lac's biggest employer Mercury Marine.

For those people who do not realize this is the main existance of Walleye Weekend or are just there to get WASTED, are found running around the area of Lakeside Park either completely trashed out of their minds visiting the entertainment tents, trying to avoid the Fond du Lac police on their 'gators', or just there to hang out with their ever-so-annoying group of friends who take up the entire walking area which is already difficult to walk in considering the massive amounts of garbage that is left in the main walking strip.

There are really only four types of people who frequent this event. You have the fishermen, which are no where to be found since they're out on the lake, well fishing. Then there are the older rowdy drunkards who are over polluting the beer tents making it damn near impossible to even TRY to get the smallest portion of the best cheese curds in the world. Then there is the Young girls/boys crowds that walk around in their skanky flesh revealing clothes hoping to somehow catch someones attention-which usually comes from older drunken slurs which mean nothing anyways or the Fond du Lac Police telling them to move away from the walking area. Then there's the families who come for the young childrens entertainment with all of the wailing and screaming little ones no one is there to see.

All in All this is an event meant for drinking, fishing, food, some music/entertainment, and well more drinking. All people do is drink massive amounts of beer, walk around aimlessly, and yell loud absenities.
'Hey! You going to Walleye Weekend?'
'Duh, there's nothing else to do'

Let's go to Walleye Weekend and get fuuuuckkkkked up!

Come on hunny, we're going to Walleye Weekend to get your face painted!
by Fond du Lacccian March 3, 2009
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The same thing as a new jersey meathook, only when it's below freezing outside
So me and the broad got home from christmas eve shopping and she let me slip her the old Alaskan Walleye...I must have been a good boy
by CWood December 3, 2003
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This is a great festival with awesome safety procedures. Would make a great insurance risk!!
Wow! I am glad we insured Walleye Weekend. We made a good profit.
by Insurance December 20, 2016
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