1. a word to describe something but in a very big or large way 2. short for ultimate
1. Thats an ulti- neck for Stewart.
2. That was an elti-act by Lindsey.
by Pourya Zandi December 12, 2005
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Noun: a rambunctious sex slave that gets giddy around men. He his willing to be a jousting partner. He was last spotted at ram ranch busting down on a massive penis.

Verb: to have a jousting competition with an old chap of yours while having a potato stuck in your asshole
Damn bro that was a nice ulti McDermott sess last night
by Joe kegan June 30, 2019
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a rich white kid that acts like he is ghetto.
that rich white kid is a ulti-wigger
by k-a-k mun-key April 17, 2003
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Highest attainment of all that is gee. In the book of gee it is said that only one has ever become "Ulti Gee"
by High Priest Gee March 28, 2003
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Better than ultimate. Better than epic. Short for ultimately epic.
Morgan: My friends are awesome!!

Jamie: Not just awesome... you have ulti-epic friends.
by GRWCB July 22, 2010
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The ultimate dank. The dankest of the dank. The stickiest of the icky. Bomb ass bud
I just blazed a blunt of OG kush. It was ulti-dank bro.
by AZCATS420 January 15, 2011
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The lord of all fags. ussualy a dude who wheres all pink, even his pants are pink and skin tight, and has the ultimate gay lisp.
dude that is such a ULTI-FAG!!!!!
by DoBoDaBo July 20, 2009
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