another term for totally. more likely to be used in a chat room setting than in real life.
xDark_Angelx: r u going 2 the party on 2sday?
wpk914: for totes
by wpk914 December 18, 2010
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by ha April 2, 2005
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Omg I am Totes there bfflflfllfbfllflbfllfbfl!!!!

*kicked in the thoat*
by Angelsfire December 7, 2008
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A word used to shorten the word totally.

Typically used by teenage girls and 30 year olds who like to use the term because of their love of "I love you, Man."
by Mrs. Farmey April 11, 2012
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you have taken an exceeded amount of xanax bars
boy "i'm so toted i can't see straight"

boy "Your such a tote"
by BL0DR04LLD4Y January 11, 2011
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I am totes sick of working here.
by Jenn February 26, 2003
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Totes, pronounced like boats with a "t," is a shortened form of the word totally.
a. Isn't that guy over there really cute?
b. totes.
by Emmmmmma May 25, 2006
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