To be confused.
What are you going on about? I am completely miffed!
by Jennifer Tull August 27, 2003
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Steven:Kevin's mom is the ultimate milf
Garret:Nah dude shes a mif
Steven:What's a mif?
Garret:Mom I Fucked
by peaurgboipsgb May 26, 2007
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Something that makes you mad. From the word miff. Like "maddening" but that's not a word either. Or disappointing.
Also a form of the verb of 'miff'.
The lack of Killers' concerts in Northern Canada is absolutely miffing!

She kept miffing me off by trying to steal my copy of Hot Fuss!

I was in quite a miffing situation when the people were taking pictures of me and Brandon!
by Andrea June 8, 2005
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peaved; mildly annoyed and mildly effeminate

annoyance ranking:
* pissed off
* tit in a wringer
* ticked off
* undies in a bundle
* miffed

Frankly Biff, I'm becoming a little miffed by your frequent absences.
by mandingoe October 10, 2005
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Represents a description of woman, most likely the mother of a close friend, in a given point of time. MIFs are women who used to be known as MILFS. Mother I Fucked!
1.I enjoyed her transition from a MILF to a MIF very much.

2. Dude, did your mom tell you she aint a MILF any more?

3. Steve, I finally did Maja. - Whoww.. so she turned from a MILF into a MIF.
by Sakicman October 12, 2011
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Mom I'd fuck. Precursor, and more concise form of, the term MILF that was around long before the movie American Pie
Even though matt's mom is sixty, she is still a MIF
by Augie50 July 14, 2006
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How often do you think a milf becomes a mif?
by m July 22, 2005
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