It is when you take a bottle put dryer sheets in side. burn a hole somewhere at the other end of the big hole After you hit is over blow into one of the holes and the smoke wont smell
i used a spoof yesterday
by v69 February 28, 2007
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A method of cracking porn sites using target and referal URLs.
I dont know how spoofing works, but it's free wordpR0n/word
by Toolbox November 4, 2003
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Impersonation. Identity hacking. Pretending to be another sex, or age, or color, or weight, or ethicality, or someone else altogether.
I spoof to get the guy's password.
by konholio February 16, 2005
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A person who tells blatant lies.
Arthur is a spoof, he said that the moon is made of chesse and pigs can fly.
by Tom Brownlee July 30, 2003
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The old southern meaning of spoof or the act of "spoofing" is to trick or otherwise play a practical joke on someone. (This might be remembered from the old "Deputy Dawg" cartoon where the mischievous Muskie the Muskrat constantly spoofed Vince Van Gopher, Deputy Dawg and Sheriff.)

Muskie: "Depty Dawg, Depty Dawg! Vince fell in the quickmud!"
Deputy Dawg: "Dag nabit! This better not be a spoof, Muskie!"
Muskie: "It's possible... It's possible..."

by Nabru September 14, 2005
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a parody of a TV show, historical event, video game, etc. is all about spoofs on video games.
by Light Joker September 30, 2004
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