Going from lane to lane in traffic... more specifically into the carpool lane.
When driving on the freeway and going in and out of the carpool lane to pass people. Usually bad drivers that are slowing down the flow of traffic.
I was spilling in traffic today because of the occasional slow driver in the fast lane.

I spill through traffic to get around bad drivers but stay in the carpool lane as little as possible to avoid a ticket.
by Led Zeppelin the band May 2, 2018
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The Christmas tree needles that have fallen off of the tree and unto the floor.
Let's take out the tree and vacuum up the spills.
by EJ GF November 29, 2007
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"Yo that loose bitch I fucked last night... she spilled all over my sheets."
by TomiDat October 28, 2006
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to ditch someone or to leave a group.

or to "spill" out of a group.
Jason: "Bro, this party is boring."

Hyde: "Get Kelly and George and spill this place."

Jason: "Alright, man."
by Catty McFatty July 15, 2011
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1)adj. Refers to the fat which "spills" out over the top of a (usually, although spills can be male as well, if the spilling is that revolting) female's pants. Such breeds of this animal that have been officially documented include: the double spill, the 270 degree spill, the 260 degree spill, the half spill, the vaginal spill, among others.

2)noun A nickname given to those who spill.
1) Oh god, look at those spills, they make me want to vomit.

The half spill is a rare creature, rarely seen out of its natural habitat.

2) Damn! Check out Spills! That bitch is spillin!

Oh god! Look at Spills Jr.!
by PLagg January 25, 2005
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1. When a woman spills all over; it means that she is/was VERY sexually pleased that she came so hard and so much that it just spilt out, gushing all over. In other words, you just gave her a six lip smile.
I Love when we are intimate and she spills all over me; it drives me nuts!
by IrishDaddy2U April 12, 2010
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(v) To take a taste of, hit of, sip of, drag of, pull of. Generally, any form of tasting or taking a small portion of something.
1: "Yo man, lemme get a spill of that rum and coke"
2: "Sure, lemme get a spill of that cigar first"
by Mike February 23, 2005
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