Any non-commercial, run-down, LOUD, American, low value, rear-wheel-drive automobile/truck typically between 1970 ~ 1987 driven by skanky, trashy people who tear around town like its the baddest ride ever. It's also common to yell: "SKANK-TANK!" (like "SLUG-BUG!") when such a person unintentionally proves that their hunk of shit is nothing to prove.
"Yeah there was this skanky bunch of people who pulled out of the Fast & Friendly in a rusted '77 Berlinetta Camaro with no exhaust and the guy tried to smoke his tires as he left and it died right on Kansas Expressway and they had to push it to the shoulder. What a skank-tank!"
by maikelyeremy September 11, 2009
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(n.) A large dumpster at charity shops where crappy clothes go. Peasants can often be seen looting the skank tank.
You're too poor for the charity shop, but you might be able to afford the skank tank round back!
by Gumba Gumba May 30, 2004
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a person who can skank for an elongated peroid of time
whoa check the kid whos been skanking the whole show hes such a skank tank
by skaggot-adrienne September 11, 2005
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A very large and ostentatious motor vehicle given to a skank by her Sugar Daddy, this vehicle typically dwarfs the skank driving it. Skank tanks are often found parallel-parked three feet from the curb, or seen going through red lights while the skank is on her phone.

So I was all, like, "Excuse me, ****, where I'm from, it's not a skank tank, it's an Escalade, and you're an old, cheated-on ****, ****." So she shoots me! Can you believe that? You're putting her in jail now, right?
by Das Clemhaus March 1, 2009
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A shirt or sweater worn as a dress so it is hella short and skanky.
Will, your sweater is such a skank tank.
by Only.Use.Meat. October 3, 2010
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A grotesquely large girl known for whoring around or wearing inappropriately slutty clothing.
*Fat chick walks by in Daisy Dukes and a tube top*
Man: Skank Tank! The calvary is rolling in!
by Kwestt September 5, 2010
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Be sure to get your hep c vaccine before swimming in that skank tank
by t_adam December 13, 2011
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