Sisi is most of the time short and fat, she acts like a drama queen and can act to be your friend she has a big forehead and always seaks attention
Man! I would hate to meet a Sisi
by America'sSweetHeart May 11, 2022
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A lady who likes to flirt and gain popularity
You are a sisi yellow
You dey form sisi yellow
by IamBgOfficial August 19, 2020
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The largest biological structure known to man, a unknown bio source detected by NASA, during the hubble telescopes routine orbit, measured at being 100 billion times the size of the solar systems sun, emitting unknown cloudy white substances from one of its ends. It was detected to by Scott Robert Sun, who was original mission was to use the telescopes higg power electro magnetic fielding scope to find his father, but had accidentally discovered the biomass instead... some 20 parsers away from the solar systems circumcenter.
Hogo: yo did u hear about the new mega large dildo being sold at the homebush boys canteen?

Totus: No but I want to buy it... is it as big as Sisi's cock? I dont use anything smaller than that...
by gawkgawkdoubletwist December 29, 2022
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A bunch of unfinished sentences that use rounds of applause as punctuation
He gave a really sisi speech
by Noms November 2, 2015
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Noun: a brutal, repugnant, violent, ignorant, stupid military dictator, who authorizes the massacre of hundreds of his own country's citizens.

Verb: to authorize the killing of hundreds of civilians.
Noun: "Ghadaffi, Idi Amin, Mobutu, Than Shwe, Assad, Ceausescu, Karimov, Assad: they're all a bunch of el-sisis." -- historian Thomas Q. Fellows.

Verb (to el-sisi): "Looking more broadly at the situation in Egypt, el-sisiing is not going to solve anything," said Cavid Dameron, "We don't support this violence; it is despicable to el-sisi one's political opponents."

Noun and verb: "Our traditional cooperation cannot continue as usual when some idiot el-sisi is authorizing the el-sisiing of civilians in the streets and rights are being rolled back," said Orack Babama, "Whether it occurs in Syria or North Korea or Libya or Egypt, an el-sisi is not worthy of US support."
by Suilbup August 20, 2013
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a military dictator who kills his own citizens and a bad dictator who supports israel
"el sisi loves israel he supports it"
by exotic penus nut November 17, 2022
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