v.: to steal, in particular, to steal drugs

cf: nick, lift, gank, snag,boost
"i pinched an eighth from his stash."
by wayfarer April 27, 2005
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Hey, you've gotta pinch growing there! I see it!
by Kenny March 11, 2003
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A technique for consuming powdered narcotics where the user pinches a standard dose between thumb and index finger which is then inserted into the desired nostril for quick and efficient snorting. The technique is particularly useful when club toilet facilities are substandard or queues are too large. The user can safely and inconspicuously pinch on a dance floor for immediate relief.


The quantity of substance to be snorted.
"I'd rather pinch than rack up in that shit-ridden WC

"That pinch got me wasted"

"Can I get a pinch of your ketamine"
by Edmund Berlin May 5, 2008
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retract the anal sphincter during anal sex to give extra pleasure
I was banging this chick in the ass, and she gave me the "pinch", it was the best bang ever.
by Tian March 19, 2004
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n. A rock climbing term for a handhold that is best gripped sideways, with the thumb and the other four fingers on opposite sides of the hold.

v. To use a pinch hold.
Frustrated first-timer: How the hell am I supposed to use this hold?
Annoyed belayer: Just pinch it!
Frustrated first-timer: What does that even mean?

Scott: Hey do you have any beta for that route you just sent?
John: Yeah, see that pinch near the first bolt? It's easier if you go for it with your left hand.
by thispseudonymisnottaken December 9, 2010
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a girl/guy you would do only if desperate.
"She's a pinch." or "If she gained a couple of pounds she'd be approaching pinch status."
by Amy September 6, 2004
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