2 definitions by Edmund Berlin


A technique for consuming powdered narcotics where the user pinches a standard dose between thumb and index finger which is then inserted into the desired nostril for quick and efficient snorting. The technique is particularly useful when club toilet facilities are substandard or queues are too large. The user can safely and inconspicuously pinch on a dance floor for immediate relief.


The quantity of substance to be snorted.
"I'd rather pinch than rack up in that shit-ridden WC

"That pinch got me wasted"

"Can I get a pinch of your ketamine"
by Edmund Berlin May 6, 2008
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A technique for consuming powdered narcotics where the user pinches a standard dose between thumb and index finger which is then inserted into the desired nostril for quick and efficient snorting. The technique is particularly useful when club toilet facilities are substandard or queues are too large. The user can safely and inconspicuously pinch on a dance floor for immediate relief.


The quantity of substance to be snorted.
"I'd rather pinch than rack up in that shit-ridden WC

"That pinch got me wasted"

"Can I get a pinch of your ketamine"
by Edmund Berlin May 5, 2008
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