Oregon is the home of the Beavers(Oregon State) and the Ducks (University of Oregon). We have huge amounts of microbreweries, friendly people, a lack of a sales tax, death with dignity act(assisted suicide), a law against pumping one's own gas, Yippies, Conservatives, Hippies, and copious amounts of meth addicts and pot lovers. We dislike Californians, especially those from the Bay Area,or..Ashland.. they raise property rates and pretend they know nothing about the state they are truly from because they know they'd get shunned if people really knew they were Californian, but true Oregonians can tell. Most people are fairly friendly though. We like our rain, trees, and decent driving skills. We are mostly pale, but what do you expect?
We are freethinkers, peace lovers, innovative, caring, never sways much of one way or the other kinds of people...and we like it that way.
Oregon is the shiz and everyone should know it.

Sue: "Damn. I wish my state was as cool as Oregon, I hate this overpopulated junk town I live in"

Joe: "I thought the only thing in Oregon was the Britt festival, Shakespeare festival, and washed up loggers?!"

Sue: "Pff. No."
by GranolaMuncher February 23, 2009
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One of the most kickass states in the USA. Fewer crimes,friendlier people,not heavily populated,lots of pretty wooded and country area which unfortunatly can be hideouts for criminals and loons. Also many famous people have been to oregon to shoot movies and have homes built ((I hear Bruce Campbell lives in Medford Oregon.))
Screw any state thats not oregon!
by Zero1986 February 6, 2004
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The best freaking state in the whole United States.

There's no sales tax, no pumping your own gas, amazing beaches, beautiful forests, reasonable driving skills, and friendly people.

Dear Californians,

Spend your money and get out. Yes, we sound selfish, but most of you have no driving skills and are disgusting, littering pigs, especially when it comes to you visiting our beaches.

We like our state just the way it is, so please stop trying to screw it up.

Oh, and it Or- eh- gun, not Or- ee- gauhn, you irritating east- coasters.

(Note: written by a native, lived- in- Salem- her- whole- life- Oregonian.)
Me: "God, Oregon is just the best!"

Idiot: "Well, it's okay."

Me: :You better take that back, or I swear to God, I wil set you on fire."

Idiot: "I just expressed my opinion."

Me: "That tears it."

Idiot: *screams while being engulfed in flame*
by proudoregonchick January 5, 2011
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state with really hot women and some good microbrew
Shit, the Westview Cheerleaders are lookin' DAMN good!
by Mongo September 6, 2003
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The best state in the whole nation.
People are nice, pump your gas for you, and don't make you pay a sales tax.
People complain because our speed limits are lower here. If they could actually drive (i.e., if they weren't from California), they wouldn't care.
California: crappy drivers, bad attitudes, and insane price of living.
Oregon: none of the above.
by Oregon is freaking awesome October 23, 2008
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oregon is the best place in the world it is lush and green and unforgettable. first i have to say go beavers!(orange and black)
and i was born in oregon and grew up a little there and as soon as i turn 18 its out of the house and back to oregon for me!
As soon as you cross to oregon buy a tub of tilamok ice cream its the best ever! and oregon has the hugest trees so for all you tree hugers good luck but you will never be able to fit your arms around those trees! please reserve oregon and keep it green!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Oregon is always rainy and that means its time to sing because singing in the rain is the best! there is also lots of slugs!
lets go oregon bevers!
by kikikiwiki March 11, 2009
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