1. A person who for some unknown reason decides that he wants to be a pretend-a-street kid even though he/she has a house. The word "housey" works as well
2. a poser of any sorts
3. That loser kid that thinks you are the illest shit in the entire universe and does anything humanly possible just to be your friend. this includes buying you things, paying your rent, sleeping with you (if that's your kinda thing). You can treat this kid like shit and you're still his best friend. In prison this person would be referred to as your bitch!
1. person a: So that kid "Trainwreck" just got back from Cali
person b: Cali?! you mean mom and dad's? everyone knows that Trainwreck is a worthless oogle!
2. Is that a vegan chick at BK?! Omg what an oogle
3. person a: omg I am like 20 bucks short on some concert tickets and I really want to go
person b: why don't you call your oogle, what was his name again?
person a: can't, I sold his soul for some tool tickets 2 months ago remember
person b: that was 2 months ago! you're still good he's an oogle remember?
by theveggiejerk November 30, 2009
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There is no definition for this word, because it is only a mispronounciation of the word Ogle, pronounced "ahh gul" or "Oh-gul" but not "Ooh-gul," which of course means to stare at impertinently, flirtatiously, or amorously.
I was ogling at that chick, not oogling.
by Mike Miller March 19, 2004
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1. To gaze at in admiration
He oogled at her beauty, and huge tits.
by Annie June 16, 2003
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"Who's that girl you've been oogling?"
by Kim Yu-Na February 25, 2010
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to gaze in amiration, as if to have a crush
Brian caused Michelle's head to get sprung, there for causing her to oogle at him.
by crusher December 1, 2004
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The act of staring trance-like at the Google home page trying to recall what it was that you wanted to search for in the first instance.

Combination of Ogling and Google
Toby: "Have you seen Enid since her dilemma of not knowing what to focus her research paper on?"
Mavis: "Not really. Last time I saw her she was at her computer for hours just oogling"
Toby: "Perhaps we should help her with some subjects"
Mavis: "Nah let's just fool around"
by kuy101 April 4, 2009
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the act of seducing someone with your eyes/stare. Sometimes includes the eyebrows moving.
Victoria was oogling me the other day i was so turned on!!
by beasticeskater94 January 18, 2012
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