A really cute and hot Asian girl. Usually short, but cute. Very talented and good singer especially wehn singing duck songs. You dont know hot until you know Nhi.
Guy1: Dammmnmnnnnn shes definitely a Nhi
Guy2: She is so smoking hot
by Scat - The hot lover July 27, 2019
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Nhi , A funny person with a huge personality! She’s shy at first , she’s like an angel ! But once you get to know her she’s ......not the same , she’s not shy she’s not the angel like she was.....She doesn’t struggle to make friends , but she struggles to find real friends. Its typically found in girls , it’s an Asian name. She respects her culture very much, so if you mess with her ..... be very cautious when your alone .
Don’t , sleep with one leg out or else Nhi will come...
by iixaqril September 22, 2019
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She’s sweet kind and lovely.....she may be feisty at times but she always make up by saying thousands of sorry until you give up and forgive her even though you did 100 sorry before! She will stand up for her friends and family and if you mess with her , let’s say ... sleep with no legs out ...
-Your eyes will be dead awake if you mess with her tonight...

-Nhi is a Stick up bitch that cares about her friends and family
by iixaqril September 28, 2019
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"Hey have you heard -insert song name-?"
"No, NHI."
by allykins July 19, 2009
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nhi is a girl who is above average height wise, extremely funny and not fruity
by phat.coq October 9, 2021
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Did you hear Beyonce's new song? Nope, NHI.
by cow8023213 October 19, 2009
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An abbreviation for the phrase: no hate intended.
Dude 1: you're my white bitch!
Dude 2 (Chic): ... :'(
Dude 1: aww, I didn't mean that. You are pretty pale though, nhi.
by Maximum775 April 20, 2010
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