A term used to refer to a "fake" girl/woman. As a literal mannequin, they have a perfect figure externally, but have nothing to offer internally. They are completely void of emotion, a brain, or any capacity to hold an intellectually stimulating communication; existing simply to be played with like a doll. They masquerade showing off their physical beauty and will never be respected for that reason.
Dude, check out the boobs on that mannequin!

Dude, I need to take home a mannequin tonight...
by rabu23 December 7, 2011
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The social classification for individuals lacking emotion, complete social unawareness, extreme self-consciousness, and the commandment of a room. Masters of photographic angles and poses in front of the camera, extremely chiseled, and justifiably confident with their bodies. Mannequins have a fixation with repetitive electronic dance music, are highly fashion forward, and maintain a stoic stance at all times.
by socialclassifications.tumblr August 21, 2012
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A person cut off from the world. Someone with no thoughts, feelings or emotions. Someone who is supposed to just stand there and look pretty, not show their problems. One who hides the fact that their life is falling to pieces. Who crys on the inside and keeps smiling on the outside.
"look at her. shes just a mannequin.who knows whats under that smile.."
by Megan loves Chris :) May 7, 2008
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A really hot girl, that has a prefect ass, perfect body but is really stupid. (no Brain)
Riley: Yo Bro, Theres this new girl in my English class and she such a mannequin.

Sean: yea that blond mannequin, I saw her too. she so hot, but so stupid.
by The Dutch Master May 13, 2011
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when your walking on the street with a duck on your head then the duck falls of your head, then you slip on the duck and land on your ass, then you dislocate your ass, then you walk around with a broken ass and a duck stuck to it, in the mall, then you look so ridiculous that LC WAIKIKI hires you be a mannequin.
Teacher: students what do you wanna do in the future
Me: I wanna be mannequin
by mY dONkeY iS cOoL June 26, 2021
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a spate of people whose bodies are unhealthily under-weight for one's own benefit
Stop mannequinism from spreading to our posterity.
by Feilisha May 14, 2005
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An epidemic of those who are ENTIRELY too skinny for their own good!
by Brooke April 26, 2005
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