1. A woman who takes on other people's emotional or physical burdens/responsibilities as her own.

2. A woman who carries old hurt and emotional scars like a burden which keeps her from making progress.
Example 1:
Man 1: Why does that woman have so many kids?
Man 2: Oh, she's a bag-lady, most of those kids are relatives she's taken custody of.

Example 2:
Woman 1: I want to kick my friend's boyfriend in the shins because he's a douche-bag.
Woman 2: Don't be a bag-lady, she's choosing to stay with him.

Example 3:

Badu: "Bag lady you gon hurt your back, carrying all them bags like that. I guess nobody ever told you, all you must hold on to is you."
by RavingLunatic07 March 5, 2011
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A woman who lives on the streets and never washes.Also is well known for keeping all her belongings in lots of bags
"let the pitbull off the lead so he can maul that bag lady"
by shearer June 18, 2003
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A woman who walks around with a colostomy bag attached to her hip
Annie: Hey Sheila whats that bump over your ass...

Sheila: Oh thats me colostomy bag

Annie: So you are a Bag lady

Sheila: Fuck you Bitch
by Virginia Brat 22 March 21, 2010
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Fat woman with nasty hair who waddles down any street that is in poor condition. Frequently says "sha-na-na-na" during her travels.
I was trying to go home last night but I was spotted by a bag lady who wouldn't stop singing to me so I figured I'd sing along. We wound up sitting around, discussing the heart that makes bricks go 'round the animals from the moon at night...or something. I don't exactly remember. You'd have to ask her.
by Stavajousa August 27, 2003
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A woman who has an addiction to kicking guys in the bag.
Trina the bag lady successfully kicked 17 guys in the bag today.
by ferg116 October 19, 2010
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Someone who collects bags for unknown reasons.
Bag Lady asked us to get him some bags from American Eagle and Abercrombie.
by Ivan April 28, 2003
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