a perfect example of a democrat. He has no ideas and always seems lost. He picked a rival for a running mate and now they think they are shoe-ins. What a joke. GO RALPH
-let's solve this the simple democratic way kids: flip a coin
"republicans have bad ideas, democrats have no ideas"
"republican says 'hey, I've got a really shitty idea.' democrat says 'hey, I bet I can make it shittier'" Lewis Black, Black on Broadway (not exact quoting)
Kerry and Bush are perfect examples of the need for a new party to rise to power.
by ff8 July 10, 2004
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1. any person supported by a new generation of hippies who have no appreciation for the freedoms that they enjoy everyday.

2. a would-be military hero, turned spineless traitor, turned spineless senator, turned horrible spineless presidential candidate.

3. any person who celebrates their freedom by throwing their military service medals into a gutter in a public display of ingratitude.
by scott h June 6, 2005
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1) v. to waffle or equivocate
2) n. an action of such
3) n. a person who does this, for instance, Wembley would be the John Kerry of fraggles.
1) Husband: Hmmmm... Heinz Ketchup...or Hunts Catsup...ketchup...catsup...ketch...
Wife: Quit john kerrying and pick a damn condiment already!
2) Brett was so convinced that Lacey was the one, but then pulled a john kerry and ran to Heather.
by your dog March 31, 2008
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-Sir Flip-Flops alot.
-Half of the "Hair ticket".
-His partner/running mate,the biggest douche in the universe(Mr. glorious hairdo),John Edwards,claims that John Kerry (if elected) will heal the crippled that they will quote:"get up out of their wheelchairs and walk",if John Kerry is elected!!!!

Now OBVIOUSLY he's lying!!!

John Kerry CANNOT "heal people in wheelchairs" and have them "get up out of their wheelchairs and walk" simply "if" he is elected.
see also;fruitball,nutjob,flake,snake-oil salseman,etc.
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A limousine liberal pollutocrat who wanted to tax YOUR pants off to pay for socialist medicine and free abortions for all soccer moms.

A liberal twit who shoots geese to show he's really a good ol boy at heart. He wants to take away YOUR gun, but not the crips' guns.

A pantywaist who wants all prancing poofters to get married. Then maybe all the little doggies and kitties can get married too. And the horsey set people can marry their horses.
John Kerry is a mush wimp liberal who wants YOUR wallet.
by Cap'n Bullmoose April 21, 2005
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mofuckin cocksucka. often referred to as "trifflin," or "trippin."
"Dat bitch John Kerry be one mofuckin cocksucka."
by Jim GAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGA February 24, 2006
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Dumb shit president with a fucked up idea of morality; very in your face attitude about winning 3 stupid purple hearts BIG FREAKIN DEAL
George Bush: John Kerry
When you take the best qualities of an elephant and a donkey, you get a lot of SHIT!-- WCTR Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
by Chester April 5, 2005
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