Relating to the limited abilities of a person claiming to be knowledgable of computer science.
The man's manner of corporate success was incredible since his software team knew his hello-world expertise.
by J. G. January 22, 2004
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Popular phrase used by radio top-jock John Laws on the 2UE radio station in Sydney.
"Hello, world..."
(every time his show starts)
by coconut April 16, 2005
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The first program you learn in a basic survey of a new programming language. Sometimes, but not always the program's sole function is to output the words "Hello World" on the display.
I've been working with Enterprise Java for weeks, and I'm not even at the "Hello, World" level.
by ryon January 22, 2004
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The first program learned in any given programming language: very easy.
10 print"Hello, World"
System.out.println("Hello, World");
std::cout<<"Hello, World";
He doesn't know shit about hacking, hell, he couldn't even "hello, World"!
by Greg Weaver January 23, 2004
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A common program written to demostrate the syntax of a programming language.
// Hello World In Java!
class HelloWorld()
public static void main(String args)
System.out.println("Hello world");
by peterson June 19, 2004
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First program a programmer normally writes.
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
printf("Hello World\n");

return 0;
by Eric's Mom's Lover June 19, 2004
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Something that every YouTuber writes on code when teaching HTML to viewers. Literally everyone. It can also be seen in JavaScript and Unity.
Brackeys: *writes* <"Hello World!">; so this is how you write code in Unity

everyone: why does everyone with a tutorial write hello world?
Brackeys:*on next episode writes* <"Bye B****!">
everyone: much better
by The Neighbour's Kid June 1, 2020
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