Its a Gas comes out from stomach
I just passed out a gooz in the Jamshids car
by Viva Hayasdan August 15, 2018
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an extremly gay person
"wow, look at those fags, they're so gooze"
by fhdhdh November 3, 2006
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Being moderetly drunk
1.YO Tonight Were Gettin GOOZED
2.YO last night i was alll goozed up
by Kenny J September 22, 2006
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Best perfum you can smell ever,when you smell it,you have the best feeling ever,It is wonderful if you realize that best company used this shit to make the most expensive perfume.There was some old fiction about this smell which definde that is fart smell but all of them are bullshit they are jelouse about this perfume,only god can judge gooz.
Iranian mollas always smell gooz.
by Jimmy hannana August 17, 2018
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the act of coughing excessivley, annoyingly, and uncontrollably while smoking marijuana
Phil was Goozing so much last night while we were smoking a blunt
by dan and adam June 4, 2007
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A gap where you always lose/drop things. Eg; down the side of the sofa, the gap between the bed and the wall, behind the fridge, any small gap.
"Where in spaff's name did the TV control go?"
"It's down the gooze."

"I dropped my phone and now I can't find it!"
"Check the gooze!"
by A. Cockage October 4, 2006
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