When someone identifies as edgy, but their personality is actually soft, much like an egg that has been scrambled or hard boiled.
Person 1: These black ripped jeans make me look so edgy.
Person 2: Dude, the other day you freaked out over a two month old puppy, you're eggy, not edgy.
by wildflowerhowell July 6, 2017
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When someone is being a downer, hostile, whiny, or just not 'going with the flow'.
Angela: we're planning a surprise birthday for Kenny tonight!
Tim: What an idiotic idea.
Angela: Stop being so bloody eggy!
by sweetness-and-light June 21, 2007
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While meaning "irritating," "annoying," "uncomfortable," or "awkward," the word typically describes a state of being and no longer bears a direct relation to actual eggs. For philological purposes, it can be noted that all these denotations date as far back as 1982, as used in Naperville, IL, USA.
"He was extremely eggy in his response to me"; "Have you met that eggy lady?"; "I'm feeling a bit eggy today"; "The practice room was cold and eggy."
by hiscane February 12, 2006
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A disgusting fart which smells like rotten eggs.
"Eeeuw, someone's done an eggy!"
by Gangsta of love August 18, 2006
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When a situation is precarious or shady. When someone is being sketchy or different. Eggi: Like humpty dumpty; fragile- never know when it's gunna crack.
Evan has been so eggi ever since that night we didn't invite him to the bonfire.
by Krunk-Kay January 20, 2008
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eggy is a guy who loves having sex with various women
by Medsanity October 13, 2022
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a guy who loves having sex with various women
god damn! That guy is an Eggy!
by Medsanity October 13, 2022
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