A boog on boog crime where white society is the winners you hear.
That was the best driveby ever. Only 3 boogs still alive. Let's lynch them
by Cletus February 27, 2003
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When a manager comes whizzing through the cubicles to see if you need anything from him/her without stopping to listen to your answer. Way for manager to know what his/her people are doing.
Every morning Sherwin swings by our area to say hi and pulls a management by driveby.
by Sun rays with a chill factor January 18, 2009
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It's what "THE MAN" does. When he's walking and a girl passes, he punches her playfully in the arm, or tickles her, without saying anything. He continues walking and makes little comments or fun gestures to the many girls that he knows.

Mostly male-oriented, but it can also be done by a girl in a playful wave or wink.
I was walking with Tony the other day, and he didn't hear half of what I was saying because he had stopped to squeeze Sarah's sides. I can't stand having to repeat myself because of his constant driveby flirting.
by CherryPepsiLove December 16, 2009
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When an automated instant messaging robot enters a chat room and advertises porn in a not-so-subtle way, usually several times in a few seconds
***Online Host: LickMyClit has entered the room.***
LickMyClit: ~--Hi! Wanna see my new website? Click here! I just got my webcam hooked up!--~
LickMyClit: ~--Hi! Wanna see my new website? Click here! I just got my webcam hooked up!--~
ShadowFox777: damn driveby porn
by Laur June 29, 2003
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When you chose to buy college textbooks through other students, and when you meet up, it's basically like a drug deal but with books. Quick, discreet, and to the point.

A book driveby dialogue:

J: Hey man, you got that psych 101 we talked about?
M: For sure man, 50 dolla
J: Here you go..
M: Pleasure doing business with you!
K: Hey, you wanna have lunch?
L: Can't, I'm meeting up for a book driveby later.
by mizzP January 5, 2010
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The act of getting up to get a pencil in the middle of a test and seeing someones paper and transfering the answers to your own paper.
Pete "hey john, can i test driveby you later?"

by thekingmoomoo7 December 5, 2009
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when you and some of your buddies are in a car and u pull up next to someone with their windows down at a red light, and then proceed to wait until the light turns green to engulf them in a mass-hurtle of spitwads leaving them stunned and confused while you speed up and drive away
shit man, me and jerry just did a spitwad driveby, that mothafucka was a clueless beotch....
by Darth Vad3r March 24, 2007
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