(noun). A bar where jocks, fratboys, preppies, wiggers, and the girls that love them congregate. Usually very crowded with obnoxious loud hiphop/r&b/poptronica/reggae/reggaeton/contemporary top40 music permeating everything. Airheaded girls can be seen dancing on the bartop impeding the purchase of alcohol from honest patrons, while slackjawed submorons who havent completed their evolutionary cycle drool over said bartop dancers. Barfights are a common occurrence, and they are usually begun over something totally insignificant. Flatscreen televisions showing all manner of sporting events cover the walls like a fresh (and garishly unsightly) coat of paint.
I tried meeting up with those guys, but they were all the way at the back of the bar completely buried by the drunken meatheads hooting and hollering over the two girls standing on the bar grinding each other; it was a total douchebaggerie.
by xwraith April 29, 2009
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Verb: used to discribe the actions of a person or group who's behavoir is that of an tool, ass, or douchebag

French origin from word douche meaning to wash
She was so upset by his acts of douchebaggery that she promptly hit him in the groin
by C. M. Lauger October 2, 2009
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The involvement of a douche bag into any conversation or situation.
Can you believe that czech thinks he can get away with being an asshole?
That is some primetime douchebaggery!
by Iceman1008 June 5, 2015
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to carry out n such a manner that is generally offensive, lude, rude, and/or of a prick
a man wakes up to the noise of his crying infant, waits to see if it will stop. finally awakens to walk right past the infants room to go smoke a ciggarette fist, then tend to infants needs.....his actions are classic douchebaggery
by loo hoo April 22, 2011
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1)The philosophy held by douchebags, holding that no one other than themselves (or perhaps their close associates) matters in the least bit, and thus that other human beings can and should be treated like complete excrement for little or no reason (and often for selfish reasons). Closely related to fascism, which has been practiced by control freaks such as Adolf Hitler.
2)The act of putting this philosophy into practice.
1)Some notable (historical and otherwise) adherents of douchebaggery: Josef Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, George W. Bush, Adolf Hitler, Andrew Jackson, George Lincoln Rockwell, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan
2)Examples of douchebaggery in practice, varying in scope and intensity (in the order of the above adherents): fascism; violent political oppression; winning an election through obvious fraud and subsequently invading Iraq based on admitted lies; the Holocaust; the genocide of the Native Americans; the founding of the American Nazi Party; more violent political oppression; declaring jihad on an entire country and slaughtering 3,000 innocent cubicle workers as part of it; declaring a War on Drugs based largely on the delusion that "every one of those goddamn bastards out to legalize marijuana is a Jew" (direct quote from President Richard Nixon); treating the Constitution and the natural environment as a set of obstacles to be overcome.
by jazzriff October 12, 2005
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