A health condition when there is difficulty emptying the bowels, making you feel like you need to poop but it takes large amounts of force to empty the bowels.
I hope my constipation will end soon.
I can't poop, I probably have constipation.
by Billiam Beaver March 14, 2017
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The state of being constipated. It can cause great pain and is recommended by many physicians.
So hold in your feces and your large intestine will do all the work for you...
by kwang June 10, 2003
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An asshole who is full of shit; a mean, cocky person who tells nonsense stories to try and make himself look better.
He keeps talkin' all that good shit but he's really just an arrogant douchebag spewing a bunch of b.s.. Can you say, "constipation?"
by katiekins August 20, 2008
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Me: Doctor! I think i'm constipated.
Doctor: What did you eat?
Me: Really nothing but i did shove flex tape up my ass.
Morgan Freeman: And the moral here is.. Don't shove flex tape up your ass
by qwertyhujkjhgfdfgbnmhbg October 30, 2018
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The act of not being able to squeeze a terd out it is probably just as bad as having a baby, results in horrible cramps, possible infection, and even sometimes the need of having something stuck up your ass.
I once was extremely constipated and didnt poop for a week and nothing would work, no enemas, supositories, laxatives, nothing.... so what they did was bring me to the hospital, stuck a tube down my nose in to my stomach and pumped an unbelievable ammount of laaxative in to me... 4 liters. I shat for 12 hours and after all the poo was clear i shat water wow what a fun time.
by APfromMSP May 1, 2005
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The state where taking a shit is hard and it hurts like a mother fucker!

In German it is called: Farfrompoopin.
by Fart Matser August 24, 2003
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When you're full of crap, and you don't give a shit
John was full of crap, but he couldn't shit, he was constipated
by Mystic_Snowfang June 25, 2009
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