a slangy outdated way of saying "anal sex"
we were corn cobbing all night, until his ftaher caught us and chased me out with a shotgun.
by minghi April 27, 2003
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A largely unpleasant person, usually male. A substitute for the word "faggot" that you can use to avoid sounding homophobic
Ex 1:

Person 1: Dude, Rocco is such a faggot!
Person 2: Hey, don't say faggot. That's rude. But I'll agree, Rocco is a total corn cob!
Person 1: Um yeah...

Ex 2:

Girl: Look, Mike just posted a picture of himself without a shirt on Facebook. What a corn cob.
Boy: Word. He's the biggest corn cob I know.
by jasmine tee August 16, 2010
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1. someone who walks around with a corn cob shoved in his/her ass-litterly or metaphorically.
"man rook is such a corn cob"
by slimer james November 4, 2009
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the act of a man going down on a woman using his teeth to naw or nibble the clitoris for stimulation
Dave went down on me and was totally corn cobbing me!
by Scoobydooby July 17, 2015
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Genital Warts to the extreme where the warts cover the entire shaft of the penis giving it the look of a piece of corn on the cob. When the person with the Corn Cob decides to rape somebody, since he's not getting any with a Corn Cob, the warts all pop in a disgusting mess.
Woman 1: I found this hot guy at the bar yesterday.
Woman 2: Oooh did you sleep with him?
Woman 1: I was, but when he took off his pants, he had genital warts all over his cock.
Woman 2: Ew that guy had a Corn Cob!
by idiotwithacomputer May 26, 2013
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Corn Cobbing - the act of a man going down on a woman using his teeth to naw or nibble the clitoris for stimulation
David and went down on me , and he totally was corn Cobbing me !
by Scoobydooby July 29, 2015
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The act of softly biting or nibbling up and down the length of a penis, as if eating corn on the cob.
At the bbq, Susan was corn cobbing me in the shed.
by LeakySpigot October 29, 2015
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