Recipient of bitch slap award from Will Smith at the 2022 Oscars ceremony.
HEY! Will Smith just bitch slapped Chris Rock on stage during live TV!
by Ignatz TC March 28, 2022
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That guy that got bitch slapped at the Oscars by Will Smith
Chris Rock: "It was a G.I. Jane joke..."
by Bree_luv March 31, 2022
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Talented black comedian who is unfortunately a bit racist. But not out of control though like the 5 percenters. Played Pookie the crackhead in New Jack City.
Chris Rock: "I'm with Jay Z we gotta have our guns..."
by TruthForYou August 31, 2006
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An unforeseen show-stopping bitch slap delivered by one party (the slapper) to the other (the slappee). Not limited to bitches, largely due to originating by one male to another.

In the middle of a LIVE BROADCASTED award show in March of 2022, Chris Rock, famously portraying himself as a Zebra (named Marty) in the animated series Madagascar, make a joke not being favorable with the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air himself, Will Smith’s.

This comment was made in reference to Will Smith’s Wife (She Who Shall Not Be Named).

Suddenly The #6 most famous TikTok star, Will Smith was sided and went BIG MAD Alpha Chad and Chris Rocked Chris Rock on stage.

Following this moment Chris Rock was trending on the dumpster fire known as Twitter (or Twat*), understandably in response to this moment no one had on their 2022 BINGO CARDS. The internet debate went on to choose sides of who is in the right and/or in the wrong.

Even with the probability of the opinions of either side being disregarded, it resigns in parallel to the viral Laurel vs Yanny or Blue/Black Dress vs White/Gold dress internet debates.

*This week at Twitter (or Twat) is a very well created series done weekly by Youtuber Omegon. You’re welcome.
Bro#1: This boy is about to get Chris Rocked if he doesn’t keep my girl’s name out of his mouth.

Bro#2: How Unlucky.
by Mz. Blackbird March 28, 2022
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Slapping the shit out of a person, getting slapped
Raymond was being illogical and annoying so his friend chris rocked his world
by Basic acid April 7, 2022
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a black comedian who thinks every one who ain't black is a racists. he is so funny that i'd see every movie he's in cuz i kno its funny.
in tha words of chris rock "why it got to be a white christmas why can't it be a black christmas"
by lil' romeo's wifey December 24, 2005
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