Choogling as referred in swap rock music means to keep going,keep excelling,sorta like when someone says "keep on trucking",overall its in the same sense
"Hey man I'll see you around,keep on choogling man"
by DoubleLifeGonzo August 7, 2009
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To keep going, non stop, full force ahead. Speed Travel Fast Continuity Strong
The train choogles on its tracks, and nothing can't stop it, it just keeps on choogling.
by DJ Clave May 13, 2014
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To allow substances that alter your state ie alcohol or better to overtake your ability to function.
Luby got so choogled he had to use a shovel to walk!
by For Pump June 10, 2019
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Choogling is an activity commonly done in the south and is when you find a nice fresh soft patch of smoothe mud down by the swamp or river put on some good banjo music on the radio then start going to town humping holes in the mud.
"Later on you wanna go down to the swamp and do some choogling?" "Keep on choogling" "Choogle on brother"
by Aaron San December 26, 2017
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The gooey, white, mysterious, mayo-like substance found on a McChoogle.
The Choogle Sauce on this McChoogle was extra thick today...YUM!
by The Chebirtle. December 17, 2009
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Person A: *stares at person B*
Person B: What the hell are you looking at?! Nu choogle lea?!
by Jeong Hee-Jin January 19, 2010
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Dried seamen left on a face after oral sex.
Hey, you got some face-choogle going on.
by Ryan G G January 17, 2011
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