Excessively messy, unreadable handwriting. Usually similar to; if not, a serial killer's handwriting.
Man I couldn't read the note he wrote me. It was straight up chicken scratch, on the real.
by Foxy June 18, 2003
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When you scratch off the top few layers of skin (usually on your hand). Not necessarily so it bleeds, but it does scab.
Hey what's that on your hand?!
Oh,. it's just a chicken scratch..yu should try one.
by LillieCullen March 28, 2009
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A form of self harm where the harmer scratches himself/herself until they bleed
oh my god look at emmas chicken scratches!
by Hoogan June 4, 2006
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chicken scratch is illegible writing.
wtf is that chicken scratch? i can't understand it!
by Thuggish June 20, 2003
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1) extremely messy handwriting, normally only legible by the person who wrote it.
2) a game normally played by bored secondary school kids in the uk, where two students scratch the same spot over and over light enough to take the first few layers of skin off. whoever reacts to the pain first loses.
1) "what does this even say, man? i can't read this chicken scratch!"
2) "come on, pussy, let's play chicken scratch."
by meme supreme x November 4, 2018
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bad handwriting; looks like something a chicken would scratch in the mud with its nails.
He failed penmanship because of his "chicken scratch" handwriting.
by Anonymous June 18, 2003
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