Hopefully the names of a future Pokemon generation game
I hope Gen 5 of Pokemon is called Pokemon Black/White
by u_no_who_right March 12, 2010
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A condition framed by Dave Chappelle: A black person (usually blind and living in the south) who has been taught white supremacy propaganda by his/her white braille teacher. The subject has been taught to hate the black race despite the fact that he/she is, in fact, black. A true, living oxymoron.
Dat Black, White Supremacist is really gettin on my nerves Jimbo and Cooter, but he's good for the cause.
by Dingosour November 30, 2011
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Ben Carson is the latest to endorse Donald Trump. He's now a true black white supremacist.
by thedocreport March 14, 2016
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Police. Due to the black and white color scheme of most police cruisers.
Dude, get your ass off that billboard! You know the black and white come by here like, every 5 minutes or so!
by teh pope July 28, 2004
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A pop song performed by Michael Jackson, promoting racial integration. Largely ignored by most people, because they still insist on:

a) if they are white, calling black people "lazy niggers" and saying they're all on welfare, though President Obama doesn't appear to be, but none of them like to entertain the fact that they are being presided over by someone who - gasp! - has darker skin then they do.

b) if they are black claiming total innocence on the racist front, and responding to a remark that is racist against black people with a remark equally racist against white people

c) judging from skin color, even subconsciously, and generalizing all white people into racist assholes, even if all they did was not meet your eye in a crowded mall or whatever.
racist white person: you lazy nigger, get off welfare and maybe the economy will get better.

racist black person: shut up you racist crackerhonky!

neutral mixed person: uh, that was racist too, moron.

RBP: its payback for all the racist B.S. my grandma had to go through, pickin' cotton and all -

RWP: yeah, you should still be picking cotton, porch monkey!


Michael Jackson: Sha'mone, you guys, it doesn't matter if you're black or white! *grabs crotch*

*RWP, RBP, NMP, and MJ all start dancing Thriller, proving people of all races can still dance together in peace, without using a racial slur! yay us!*
by PeaceLuhvHappyness November 20, 2009
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Usually referred to as "Good & Evil".
Most people believe the world is Black and white.
The story goes that we used to see in color, but now the world is Color blind & we only see in black and white.
by LivingInColors March 28, 2010
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A worldview that sees all things being either good or evil, with no "gray areas". Characteristic of the Bush administration, and religious and political conservatives.
Conservatives see things in black-and-white. Liberals see things through rose-colored glasses.
by LudwigVan December 19, 2003
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