22 definitions by teh pope

The town of Westfield Mass., known for blight, four dive bars within extremely short walking distance of one another, just as many liquor stores, just as many churches.
Whenever a business starts up anywhere in downtown Wastefield, it goes under within the year.
by teh pope February 27, 2005
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A nickname for George W. Bush. The title is derived from Bush's boyish or naive manner, as well as his irresponsibility with great power.
Is the boy king going to clean up his toys or just start another war? Looks like he's due for a spanking.
by teh pope February 27, 2005
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Pokemon. A popular Japanese trading card game and animatedseries.
I sold all my poké-con cards to the most clueless kid on the block.
by teh pope July 28, 2004
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1. Drunk, intoxicated, inebriated, particularly in a beligerent fashion.

2. To steal, either covertly or by force any item.
2b. To rob at gunpoint, as one would a bank or convenience store.

3. Cheated, robbed, deprived of an ammount of money or property via a complex scheme or confidence game.
1. Dude, I was so jacked, I could hardly even stand, and I told him, "fuck you bitch," and that was when he kicked me out, and it was all fuzzy after that, but I just woke up in a ditch.

2. I jacked his sun glasses while he wasn't looking
2b. He jacked a McDonalds by an off-ramp, and we don't know what state he's in right now.

3. Dude, are you gonna tell the cops how we got jacked?
by teh pope April 9, 2005
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1. A youth subculture from the late 1960's. The hippie subculture embraced drug use, political activism, communal living (not necessarily socialism) and generally clean living. Hippies wore patched, baggy clothing, beads and headbands. The men grew their hair long, and sometimes grew beards, and the women didn't wear bras, as they saw the undergarment as an attempt by men to determine how women were shaped.

2. A modern subculture resembling the hippies of the 60's, but without the political activism or the philosophical edge. Both the men and the women wear their hair in dreadlocks, and wear tie dye t-shirts and baggy corduroys with rows of patches up the sides. Modern hippies listen to groups such as Phish, the Greatful Dead and the String Cheese Incident, and hold a mythological reverence for the state of Vermont.
1. Principal Grabowski was a hippie back in the day, and he's still fucked up from all the weed he smoked in his formative years.

2. I drank chai with the hippies in Northampton. Hippies are okay, unless their playing their music around you. No ammount of ganja's going to make that shit sound good.
by teh pope October 29, 2004
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