how a straight guy, pretending to be gay, will say "bitch"; steven frampton
by HSJCCJD.15767 May 27, 2009
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To work with a very hyper manager.
I was bitzed today.
by tough morning March 30, 2017
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Using an online travel serivce to try and find the cheapest tickets for an upcoming trip. Truncated from "Orbitzing," after the popular travel service ""
After 4 hours of 'bitzing, Jenna got transatlantic flight tickets for a mere 200 dollars.
by Cosmo July 5, 2005
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Bitz: (n): langauge or origin greek american: bitch or slut, a promiscious woman who lacks ethics morals or class (2) a guy who is a crybaby (3) see Malakas
-Look at that bitz she needs to get assfucked.

-I took that bitz out for dinner and she didn't even blow me.
by Kosta A. April 11, 2006
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John: What is that bitches name?
Lamont: We in da ghetto, she be a bitz.
by nickstertheslickster August 13, 2009
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What is left of Sgt. Doakes at the end of season 2 of Dexter because he got blown to shit.
Deb: What happened to Sgt. Doakes?

Dexter: He was blown into all kinds of nigga bitz!
by gupta131214 May 3, 2011
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It means to be cute and very attractive and have a fire topper fade
You are looking Nathan Bitzy today
by Nathaniel24 December 7, 2022
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