A magical creature from the Barbie Fairytopia and Mermaidia series who speaks in gibberish and occasionally sings opera when ingesting a variety of berries.
"Bibble NO!"
by bibblesss September 21, 2018
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A book written by Master Shake and Lord Tachanka made for the anti toilets
Shake: The Bible!
Meatwad: that says the bibble...
by Goddamnit James May 9, 2018
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A term for a brother who is semi-retarded or dim witted.
i called bibbles on the phone and we are all set for draft night!
by Rumplenutz September 2, 2018
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Freshy fresh. Fly. Dope. Boo-tey-licious.
Well shizzle my nizzle, Gridley's van is so way bibble.
by Sinbad Poon January 9, 2005
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A magical bunny made of punctuation marks.
He is the most awesome bunny in the world.
(O.0) - I'm Bibbles!
by Friend-of-bibbles September 30, 2007
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verb– to drink often; to eat and/or drink noisily
Person 1: You sure do bibble a lot.
Person 2: Yeah, so what?
by namewizard June 10, 2014
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1.) An alien responsible for most of the significant technological advances in the last few decades. That's right; cell phones, Playstation 1 & 2, all of it. Some may have mistaken the accomplishments for the work of the Japanese, but it was definitely Bibble.
2.) Commonly seen chillin' with President Dave Chappelle and his three cloned white girls.
"It was Bibble, fo' shizzle, and it was all by Bibble."
by ProfessorBanana March 3, 2005
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