The act of forcefully injecting a lollipop into someone's rectum while simultaneously slurping it.
Dude my asshole is so sore, Trevin Arabian Lollipopped me for two and a half hours last night.
by Boyardeeboyz4lyfe March 24, 2017
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The act of thrusting the air (usually when you have just got out of the shower and have a towel around your waist or are free balling in basketball shorts) so your balls and dick slap back and forth against your ass and stomach creating a clapping noise. It's a good move to pull when you want to break the ice with someone you've never met before. WARNING! When Arabian Clapping intensely, going more than 5 seconds can cause serious trauma to the testicles.
Friend: Dude, are you ready yet?
You: Yeah, hold on I just got outta the shower, check this Arabian Clap real quick tho, "CLAP CLAP CLAP"
Friend: Ahh shit man that was nuts (no pun intended)

Friend: Hey everyone, I want you to meet my friend Becky
You: Hey Becky, listen to this (puts the controller down) , "CLAP CLAP CLAP"
Becky: Whoah, awkward... (secretly wants to bone you now)
by 34thncrenshaw November 8, 2012
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when a girl is sucking a guys testicles and the guy farts into her nostrils to suffocate her.
I gave michelle the narliest arabian desert and she gagged on my balls which felt good!
by Rammies May 27, 2010
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these group of girls are known for their confident attitude, lucious hair and gorgeous eyes. they have a very unique sense of style. they have high cheekbones and many have a flawless jawline. they are overall very kind and beautiful. some get rather rude. arabian girls are also known for their beautiful skin and slightly curved bodies.
i wish i had the eyes of an arabian girls.
by jennyzimi August 14, 2017
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Take shit in condom, place in microwave for 1 minute minimum. then use as pleasure device.
Person 1: That arabian pipeline you gave me last night made me cum so hard!

Person 2: Yeah, I saved up my shit for a month so I used a magnum XL.

Person 1: Next time make it even hotter
by SandMonkeyLover September 26, 2012
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place your testicles on your partners eyesockets and let your penis chill on their nose. Therefore giving your friend Arabian Eyegoggles
by Paul Faust A.K.A Big Mosko April 22, 2003
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The act of precisely thirteen Arabian men simultaneously ejaculating into a bowl then IMMEDIATELY shitting in it afterwards. They then take their erect members and stir it up to make a nice, enjoyable concoction.
After the football game my 12 other friends and I went over to Ahal-Habib's house and made some tasty Arabian Pudding.
by A'shadieeyah October 2, 2015
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