When you still feel like you are rolling 1 or more days after you take ecstasy. Lights are still intense, sounds still sound amazing, and you still have that "lovey" feeling.
Man, i dropped three pills last night and right now I've got major afterglow!
by lbomber7 June 16, 2008
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the pride and long sensation you feel in your anus after taking a monster dump.
Donald felt that immense afterglow after taking that huge disgusting dump.
by Yogadouche July 31, 2015
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The act of locking your roommate out of your apartment after they graciously left your signifacnt other and you alone to have sex, just so that they comeback home and you won't let them inside after they called you to let them in because you say the moment after sex is so beautiful and your cuddling and you don't want to ruin the moment because your a lazy piece of shit.
Me-Dude let me inside

Roomate-can't man, me and (insert name here) are having afterglow
Me-screw you thats the gayest thing i've heard i'm gald i masturbate in your bed.
by Monroe space kraken-slayer March 29, 2012
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When you cream your jeans and bask in it instead of cleaning yourself.
Number One: Well, aren't you going to clean your jeans?
Number Two: Hell no man, I'm basking in the afterglow rn.
by MalumLibrum958 April 11, 2021
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A hangover that is worth it because the previous night was so awesome.
Friend 1: Duude, why are you so happy? Don't you have a hangover from last night?

Friend 2: Nah, I've got an afterglow from dancing so hard and meeting my dream girl.
by Jcloud October 9, 2018
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The action of going out with, dating or hanging with an ex.
Why did you afterglow with her again she already broke your heart?

Afterglowing with that girl could go either way in the end.
by smk777 October 22, 2010
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The act of taking a photo of the person you just slept with while they are sleeping and aware of their photo being taken.
Girl, I just sent you the best afterglow of the guy I went home with last night.
by SmileypantsGirl November 1, 2015
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