Brand of clothing that is popular among high school jocks, college frat kids and other unpretentious people.

Hipsters and emo fans hate it because the conformity and perceived airheaded-ness of Abercrombie shoppers reminds them of what they try to avoid becoming, but end up as anyway.
Abercrombie and Fitch is apart of a form of clothing style that is sucessful because it doesn't completely revolve around a music genre, thus causing all the scene kiddies to revile this type of clothing.

Abercrombie shoppers may not be the most original or stylish people in the world, but neither are you.

Note: I don't wear Abercrombie; I just find that bashing people's preference in clothing to be shallow and petty. Wear what you want.
by Rat Mama March 28, 2005
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An American clothing chain which caters to young adults, mainly the college aged crowd. They sell vintage styled clothing, including ripped jeans and faded shirts. Considered to be of "All-American" East-Coast style. They also own Hollister Co. and Ruehl No 925.

However, there are some points that need to be made:
Firstly, A&F is not truly preppy. Try Lacoste, Polo etc, not to mention the bright colored clothing preps may wear (i.e pink, lime shirts etc)
Secondly, A&F is not overpriced (in terms of all clothing). European fashions will cost you at least 2x as much for a similar item at A&F. A&F isnt really designer clothing, persay. Want expensive jeans? Try dishing out $200 for diesel or even $400 for Dolce and Gabbana.

Bottom line: If you dont like A&F, then dont wear it.
by Clothing Critique August 8, 2006
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a store that sells clothes that are pretty plain. a store that is also smart enough to survive on little or no advertisement and gets its name out through its customers. a little overpriced but considering the fact that pretty much everything, except the thrftstore, is overpriced thats not really an excuse to hate the place. besides, you cant hate a group of people just because they dont fit your criteria for 'creative' and 'original' with their fashion. honestly, youre probably not too creative if all you do with your time is make fun of this store. go color or something.
I do not shop at Abercrombie and Fitch because even if I had the sudden desire I could not drive to the mall because my lack of automotive transportation.
by waterrbuffalo January 11, 2007
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A place where people buy clothes, just like where all of the "original", "non-conformist", "different", people go. It is expensive...but if its not your money, why do you care so much? You say you want to be your own person...but you and i know there are a million people out there who say that, and hang out in groups together, listen to the same music, like the same things and clothes. You are discriminating against a group of people who spend alot of money on, just a little condescending if you ask me? If these people want to wear the clothes then let them, hating someone because they wear different clothes is just lame.
"non-conformist": "hey, look at those stupid preps, i don't think i've ever talked to that guy, but he looks DUMB, and he wears that GAY polo shirt, what a FAG."
"friend": "yea, i know, look at them all and their expensive clothes, i hate them because they wear them, why can't they be individuals like the way, i like your black shirt and pants, they look just like mine."
by LouieLinux February 14, 2005
A clothing store. PERIOD! It is nothing more, I do not wear Abercrombie but I want to point out that this argument is utterly ridiculous. You all have turned urban dictionary into a forum. If you don’t like Abercrombie there is no reason to hate people who wear it. For everyone who is against it because it is a sign of conformity and you wish to be outside the crowd, I have news for you, you have opted to join another crowd, and I assure you that the teens who wear this logo, except for " prissy rich girls " (hey, everyone has their qualms), have nothing against you. I know many "rich" kids who opt not to wear this brand. If you think that you are the bigger person, because you can think freely and not buy this brand, keep in mind that by ridiculing people who choose to wear the Abercrombie logo you are thus proving your ignorance to everybody who reads your post. Not to mention you are going against your free thinking beliefs because you know that 5 minutes before you posted this your and your free thinking buddies were just repeating stereotypes about Abercrombie wearers that you picked up from some schmuck you met last week in the basement of a local church while listening to the new up and coming trendy emo band. Instead of telling all of us how bad you think you have it why don’t you wipe the shit out of your eyes and take a look at the flyers posted in the basement of the church that you just heard your favorite local band play and get off your ass and do something, like feed the homeless because you cant have it that bad seeing as you have a computer, an internet connection and enough free time to post these unpleasant explanations about Abercrombie and their marketing antics.
emo kid 1- Hey instead of descrimintating against people who wear certain genres of clothing, why dont i go try to make a difference on this planet?

emo kid 2- thats too hard, this is much more entertaining

emo kid 1- yeah, your right! Hey look at that Abercrombie faggot!
by Tom July 27, 2005
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A lifestyle brand marketed and made to appeal to a specific group of people. It's really that simple and note how I said "appeal to a specific group of people." Hot Topic doesn't appeal to me. It appeals to a specific group of people. It's all the same thing if you take the time to think about it. Different clothing companies for different kinds of people. See the innate diversity there? Apparently not as everyone thinks it's cool to bash what people wear. I see just as many people rip on kids who walk around wearing chains and other goofy adornments from Hot Topic as I see kids who get ripped apart for wearing 9 layers of different colored Abercrombie clothing in the summer time. The difference and the reason that Abercrombie and Fitch is generally targeted and insulted is simply that people who wear Abercrombie and Fitch are more often than not perceived as cool whereas the people who walk around in Hot Topic UFO pants are largely seen as weirdos. There you have two stereotypes which are both equally stupid and equally irrelevant, but hey, we all live in a country inhabited by people who can't get their head around anything but their own insecurities.

As a side note, I wear a lot of Abercrombie and actually work in one simply because the job is easy. A lot of my friends wear Rocawear and there are a few that wear PacSun and Hot Topic clothes. The bottom line, none of us could care any less what any of us wear. How it should be...
Actual example:

I walked into the GNC in the mall where I work and started talking to the guy behind the counter.

He goes, "Hey, do you work at Abercrombie and Fitch?"

I go, "Yeah man, how'd you know?"

He goes, "Your clothes bro, I don't know, you look like the kind of kid they'd hire."

Mind you he had tattoos covering his body and had about 4-5 piercings on his face.

I go, "Well by that token what are you on break from Hot Topic?"
by RJSnj November 25, 2006
Yet another American company that sells clothes that were made in a sweatshop overseas then turns around and sells the items for ridiculous amounts of money. Now, don't get me wrong. I know there are much more expensive stores out there and that they probably have sweatshops as well. However, Abercrombie and Fitch were sued in the 1990's for unsatisfactory working conditions in their sweatshops in Saipan, a US territory. These violations included rat infested barracks (the places where the workers slept), locked fire exits (so that in case of a fire, the workers were trapped) and over 100 other health violations. Personally, i think that Abercrombie and Fitch is a stupid store, and it's not because i can't afford it, or am ugly, or whatever everyone who absolutely loves the store thinks. It's because of the products they sell (sexually oriented clothing, even for children) and the way they sell it (half naked models who are unhealthily thin). Plus, my sister and i both agree on this point, the stores I've always been in stink to high heaven.

oh, and for all of you abercrombie lovers out there who claim that everyone who hates it is ugly, please go listen to yourself and decide if you actually sound like someone who others would care to listen to.
Next time you put on that nice little minimum-material-required t-shirt from abercrombie and fitch, think about the kids that made that shirt making less than $1 dollar/hour. Yeah. have fun with that.
by Rea L. March 6, 2006
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