(v.) flirting or getting hit on by a person fifteen or more years, one's senior.
In reference to a female, aarping around. In reference to a male, aarping it up. The former carries a negative connotation.
Girl, why do grown old men keep trying to buy you drinks and get your number at the club? Quit aarping around!

Dude, I know you think your English teacher is hot, but quit aarping it up!
by Vandys Finest April 15, 2007
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The loud belches that old people tend to make involuntarily.
That Pot Roast sure was good...

by Craig Bartal January 5, 2005
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What the autistic kid screams for no reason
Hi Ryan
by Hobozygous November 13, 2017
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The sound an old man makes sitting in a beanbag chair.
Now, let me just sit dooown... AARP!
by Sabadabas December 8, 2010
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(A)n (A)ging but (R)espectable (P)ussy
Edna called Life Alert for the third time this week to give the young paramedic some of that AARP.
by ndptwdfnt September 13, 2017
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An acronym for African American Retirement Planning. Sometimes used as a verb.
The practice of filing a (possibly specious but nonetheless prosecutable) discrimination suit against one's employer in order to pocket a hefty settlement.
Did you hear about Tennie Pierce? Dude got awarded $1.6 million dollars for some firehouse prank. LAFD just got AARPed.
by gentrifier January 7, 2014
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An old ass person, who usually like to bitch about stuff like: not enough handicapped parking at Old Country Buffet, prescription drug prices, and how good the "Good Old Days" were.
"Damn, that bitch with the cane is AARP."
by A Law January 12, 2005
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