1) Although some would say it is the best OS that MS has made, some would argue that Win 2k is better. I say it is preference. I use WinXP on my computer and it runs near flawlessly. Compatibility (along with other problems) is only a problem encountered by those who can't figure out how to use a search engine to find a solution, so they come here to rant about it. Simple to use, if you follow directions and maybe read the manual, it hardly crashes and always tries to save your system by crashing the violating program. Although the "report error" window is useless, it is better than having to reboot. When you use the system manager (aka ctrl-alt-delete) you can use the "processes" tab to instantly shut down a program without any wait or consequence (in my experience). System important processes are clearly marked "system" so that you cannot accidentally crash windows (unless you are an idiot). 2) An OS made by a company that people like to belittle because they suck at using a user-friendly OS. 3) Not as advanced as Linux, which means it's easier to use, yet not as flexible.
1) Windows XP is a fine OS, thanks for a decent on with this time, Microsoft!
2)d00d, XP sux! ROFL BOFL!
3)guy1: "Hmm, which OS should i use?"
guy2: "Do you know how to use Linux?"
guy1: "No..."
guy2: "Use Windows XP"
by PacketOverflow October 3, 2004
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Since the advent of that abominable Vista, Windows XP has officially become not only the best operating system Microsoft has ever released, but one of the best operating systems EVER released.
All my computers run Windows XP. The new laptop I bought came preset with Vista so I did a clean install of Windows XP only to discover that none of the hardware was compatible. I later woke up in the hospital after having suffered a myocardial infarction due to being extremely pissed off.

Shame on you Microsoft. You've disappointed us all with your fucking Vista.
by XP FOR LIFE September 30, 2008
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Windows XP is like any other Microsoft program. You get to share your opnion on how things should work and get to send a report every time things go bad.
and they gather all that info, put it on a harddisk several terrabytes big, and do nothing with it. they just keep creating trash sofware so you can keep sharing your opnion. they like that, that way the coders get the attention they don't get at home.
A computer without a Microsoft operating system is like a chocolate cake without mustard.
by vermin March 21, 2004
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One of the rare operating systems which is able to stay on and not crash!
"Dude, my XP box never crashes!"
"Dude, 2K boxes don't crash as well ya know."
"Dude, I have XP Pro, that pwns."
"Dude, thank god you don't have home edition."
by Soiled Undergarment August 7, 2003
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A computer operating system (OS) designed by Microsoft. The Proffessional version is a lot better then the Home edition, which is still okay. It is user friendly and only crashes on occasion, usually due to user error. If you don't know how to build a computer or write a program, use Windows XP. If you do, use Linux.
Linux User: I know how to build computers, write applications, and just about everything else to do with computers. Windows XP is to user friendly, it sucks!
Windows XP User: You know what, I don't know how to do any of that. I'm using Windows XP.
by Shortyafter January 1, 2005
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A version of Windows, that according to the Windows Pattern should have been terrible but is one of micrsoft's best ever.
Windows 95 - Bad
Windows 98 - Good
Windows ME - very, very bad
Windows 2000 - Good
Windows XP - Also good
Windows Vista bad
Windows 7 - Awesome
Windows 8 - Bad
by Sinfonia69 December 7, 2014
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An operating system known for its revolutionary ability to restart its OS shell and most of its services automatically and almost imperceptibly - without user's awareness and intervention, thus giving an appearence of being much more stable then its predecessors. Has to be installed with network cable plugged out, otherwise gets infected by all sorts of digital microorganisms even before its first run. Tries to connect to obscure destinations about 12 times during install process. Good for consumer-type individuals and large corporations where initial laziness well evolved into symbiosis of corruption and incompetence.
Wow - it's another patch tuesday! Let's go crazy and patch all our Windows XP production servers first!
by solenoid February 1, 2006
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