It's a basque name which means passionate, sensitive and outgoing. If your name is Jone you're probably warm-hearted and you're always helping those who need you.
I'm going to visit Jone tomorrow, she is in the hospital.
by realdictionaryacademy December 18, 2016
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A person who somehow ended up becoming friends with everybody even though they don't have any social skills. Those people often go to them for advice and problems, because it seems like they have their life in order.
Person 1 : "Man, i can't choose between A and B."
Person 2 : "Oh! you should go to Jonelis with that"
by Eriden A. July 25, 2018
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To "make fun of" is to "jone." Limited to DC region. Word derives from the local African American culture.
She was jonin on you because you're ugly.
by Andy April 14, 2004
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A devious hype. A situation that deviously hypes u up. It’s devious.
Slick: Yo it’s jones as fuck in here right now
The epit: u took the words right out my mouth
by Big Looch February 22, 2023
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An obsession; a burning desire. The undeniable passion or love for someone or something.
"Basketball Jones, I got a basketball jones, I got a basketball jones ooh baby..."
by dMb January 30, 2004
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1 (Proper) A common surname in English-speaking countries such as The U.S., The U.K., and Canada, the fourth-most common in the United States, according to the U.S. Census.
2 (n.) A slang term for heroin.
3 (n.) An addiction to heroin.
4 (n.) An extreme desire for something such as a drug, a food, etc. which could be considered on par with the desire associated with that of of a heroin addict.
5 (v.) To long for or desire something in such a way.
1. Indiana Jones can make even that lame-ass fedora look cool.
2. My brother just got shot in a drive-by, trying to score some jones off his dealer.
3. Tom has taken up clawing at his flesh as a counter-measure to deal with his jones.
4. I woke my girlfriend up and made her drive me all the way to Wal-mart when I started jonesing for some Cherry Coke.
by Tenkin August 3, 2005
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