2 definitions by Eriden A.

A person who somehow ended up becoming friends with everybody even though they don't have any social skills. Those people often go to them for advice and problems, because it seems like they have their life in order.
Person 1 : "Man, i can't choose between A and B."
Person 2 : "Oh! you should go to Jonelis with that"
by Eriden A. July 25, 2018
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Anyone who has compassion beyond compare and somehow ended up with everyone being their friend. They are very stern when it comes to making the right decision, sometimes when it's not even their own choice. Everyone goes to them for advice, so that's probably the reason why nobody hates them.
Person 1: "Man, I'm having trouble choosing between A and B."
Person 2: "Oh! You should go to Jonelis with that. She's everybody's friend"
by Eriden A. July 25, 2018
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