To have anal sex: derived from the Australian slang date, meaning asshole, on account of its generally round, wrinkled and brown appearance.
"Let me update you."

"I'm hoping to update her this evening."

"He promised he would update me. It's most frustrating."

"I've been giving him hourly updates."
by Roger the Cabin Boy August 19, 2006
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updations means to update someone on the progress of a particular endeavour
Please forward me your updations on Project finkle.
by Matt August 18, 2004
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Alternative word for "update", this one fits much better.
Can you please give me an updation on the situation
by TheDufster March 15, 2005
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During database updation, sales transactions are applied to inventory.
by recursional January 11, 2011
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A slang word derived from the word 'update' that applies solely to juicy new information someone has on drama or their love life.
Megan was asked out by the love of her life, and upon running into Alison in the hall at work, told her that they needed to have an updation sesh over coffee. Little did she know, Alison had an an even juicier updation about her new job.
by Ida Diseno September 13, 2011
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When a company notifies you of a product update that is a contrivance to send you stealth marketing spam. A cousin of "do you like our product, we love you spamming". Works on the notion of keeping a company name and product name in front of people so they can't help but think of you for future purchases. Still is annoying spam but most people are clueless so it is accepted.
Try as I might to avoid spam, I get plenty of update spamming since the masses are clueless and blindly accept it.
by Mel A Tonin February 16, 2017
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When a person looks more thicc than the last time you saw them.
Ethan: “Ayo, bruh. Did you see Stacey’s new profile pic? She got hella thicc over the summer!

Steven: I know! She got that ass update.
by ClutchHandle34+35 July 14, 2021
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