A verb. To Tube something, meaning to search for something on youtube.com.
- I cant find that song. - Well "tube it" then.

- Never heard of him. Gotta "tube him" later.

- I was "tubing" around yesterday when i noticed this awsome singer! U just got to "Tube her"!
by Jesper Eriksson March 22, 2007
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Noun: A derisive and/or derogatory term for a Woman's vagina.
Dahveed: "Yo Emy, why'd you break-up with Jackie?"

Emy: "I was tired of banging her tube"

Dahveed: "Hey that brode is so hawt I wanna fuck her tube"
by Dahveed May 12, 2008
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A water bong, particularly one used to smoke marijuana.
You guys tryin' to rip a couple tubes after the mixer?
by mp9124 March 22, 2006
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Medical shorthand. Totally Unnecessary Breast Examination.
Female, 19, mild foot pain. 5ml sodium pentathol. TUBE.
by Lord Grimcock August 21, 2007
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The Tubes is an 80’s band that is very underrated and more people should listen to them. The 7 Amazing members of the band are Fee Waybill,Bill Spooner,Roger Steen,Prarie Price,Rick Anderson,Vince Welnic,and Mike Cotten. The Tubes are best known for their songs “She’s A Beauty” and “Talk To Ya Later”. If you ever get the chance please check out the tubes on the internet or spotify.
I mean more people should listen to The Tubes,their music is really good.
by 80’s Kid July 4, 2019
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1. A round, cylindical object.

2. The London Underground.

3. Medical term for a totally unneccesary breast examination, usually applied to the person asking for it.
1. "Pass me a tube of loo-roll."

2. "I'll take the Tube to work this morning."

3. "Dr Marsh, we have a TUBE fo you in ward three. Enjoy!"
by Mr Ben February 8, 2005
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A Tube is a video site with embeded Flash or HTML5 videos.
Youtube is on of the best known Tube sites or Tubes.
by EnriqueN January 6, 2011
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