1. A term used to describe sensations, images, or experiences that trigger a traumatic memory. Related to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
1. I was psychologically scarred watching my best friend get shot in the head as a young teen. That scene in the movie where they shot the hostages triggered unpleasant memories, and I felt myself reliving those horrible experiences again.
by Megglers April 2, 2013
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A strong emotional reaction set off by a set of words or image that reminds a person of a traumatic event. Used often in the Self Injury community to describe something that may cause a person to relapse into a cutting, bullimic, or other self injuring state.
That poem mentions rape and self mutilation. It could trigger.
by PerfectlyInsane90 October 7, 2008
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A topic, phrase or word that emotionally sets someone off. Could refer to anger, or reliving a traumatic experience. Sometimes this is logical, other times it seems like an attention grab. It is fairly common for certain communities on, for example, Livejournal to be overly sensitive to people's 'triggers' (often but not always relating to sexual assault)--any mention of violence may be censored.
(1) Man, I know I shouldn't have gone off on Eric that way, but that racist joke he made triggered me big time and I flipped my shit.

(2) I got kicked off that livejournal group for not lj-cutting my post talking about the rape scene in the movie I watched last night. Some girl said it triggered her and the mods were on her side.

by AllisonLinn July 11, 2008
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A person who is ill tempered and or get's angry easily.
"Look the trigger is laughing at you"
by chadarinochizmini February 10, 2017
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A word used often by idiots on Tumblr to justify their bitchy attitudes, most of whom don't know what a real traumatic experience is.
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a disease someone developed after being triggered many times before.
Jason has been diagnosed with triggerness.
by maphuda March 8, 2017
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irresponsible behavior, less than acceptable occurance, bullshit. when tlc said they didnt want no scrubs, they meant they didnt want no triggeration.
an example of triggeration is when one of your boys chooses to hang out with a girl rather than go to the club wit his boys. a person who continually acts irresponsible is known as a habitual triggerator.
by qt24 August 1, 2010
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