Wisdom is very athletic and loves to adventure outside he also is smart and understands people a there problems he is a great friend to others and is loyal when he is not sarcastic
Wisdom is a good friend of mine
by Mr. majestic_hunter April 13, 2019
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A loyal friend that dosent doesn't have loyal friends and will only be known as a follower when she's a natural leader. Middle child and loving but when she's mad she's really mad. Annoying at sisters who judge her and think there beter better than her but, they don't know she's going to grow up amd out do all of her sister
Wisdom your gonna be famous!
by Yup hfgh March 25, 2017
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E.g mr awais mahmood is so wisdomous they call him mr wisdomous
by Widomous007 March 19, 2019
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Infinite Data from the gods. Only the elite can be branded as Wisdomous. Means Clout generation of 100%. Undeniable drip.
Zozo is Very Wisdomous.
by Dzaddy Bryan September 4, 2019
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knowing the secrets of the world and knowing how to deal with everything in it, knowing the cause and effect of living a certain way in this world...you cant get wisdom by being on honor roll or reading numerous text books, it comes with age and experience...
everything you do comes back to you
you get what u put in
turn the other cheek
live life the way you want to live it, not the way ne body else wants u 2
if you have to give up ur friends 2 do the right thing, do it, fuck friends
dont trust anybody
put ur trust in urself and God cuz ur friends get you smoked
be honest
be true 2 urself and thats all that matters
its not a lie if u believe it
try to help the bad guy, not the good guy, cuz the good dont need help
always see urself as #1, and everyone else can suck dick
respect God and urself
^^after all those points, you gotta merge goodness and kindness in there 2, along w/ generosity and forgiveness, and love
by smelly_balls March 19, 2005
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The act of thinking of somethin stupid to say and not saying it.
"What are you doing for your birthday"
"*Ya mum*... oh Nothing."
by KinGAleX March 21, 2005
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