1. guy version of a camel toe, when your cock can be seen from your shorts.
2. when someone comes up behind you and shoves their knee up your ass.
1. Dude! You're penis is sticking out of your pants!!! That's a sick camel hump!

2. You fucker! Stop camel humping me!
by nirvana4lf June 6, 2005
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Basically the male version or a camel toe.

It's when a guy where's really tight pants or something and you can see the shape of his balls; therefore looking like camel's humps. nice and lumpy.
Did you go to the schools wrestling match last night?
Yeah, it was infested with camel humps.
by janet jack January 8, 2010
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Male variation of camel toe.

Requires one pair of running shorts and some frank and beans. Now pull the shorts up real high and give yourself a wedgie. Look down at your crotch and--voila! Camel hump!
"Check it out guys, it's camel hump!"
"Oh shit, here comes coach!"
by Timil Deeps May 9, 2004
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Camel hump... the male version of a camel toe. its when a guys pants are just WAY too tight.. and u can see a clear outline of his dick n balls
nice camel hump :)
by HiddenDesires February 22, 2018
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A girl that outweighs John Candy.
I got my ass kicked by a camel's hump.
by zack February 24, 2003
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Referring to the large growth found on the front of middle aged women, also known as a front butt.
Ms. Akers-Jordan has a really big camel hump and looks bad in those black jeans.
by Stan McKay March 26, 2003
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The imprint of the man's junk through his pants
I can see his camel hump through them jeans
by Weldingman November 11, 2018
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